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Neal Meeker

À rejoins en date due:

Nov. 12, 2018





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too many decrypts for evo all

I was having troubles programming the Evo All using the one key programming guide. So, I switched and tried the 2 key programming guide. It worked, but I was not able to do a take over. So, I have been trying to get the single key programming to work. It never actually worked, so I switched back to the 1 key guide.... I didn't see until just now that it couldn't be programmed more than once with the same vehicle. So, attempting to program it both ways screwed me up? long story short - the decryptor told me I can't try any more for my vehicle. So, it needs to be reset from the server end? (it would be nice if your computer software told you what cars you had generated keys for already... then you could use them or delete them yourself.... - programmer's 2 cents)


Evo-All Mazda cx5 2018 Programmed but, won't start. Red and Yellow Leds, and clicking relay

I'm going nuts. I've tried everything multiple times and still struggling with this. Blue leds flash with every button. I am getting red and yellow leds when I try to start with 3x lock. The relay for the lights click several times. I keep reading that it should be the hood pin, but when I try jumping the pins under the hood, my car goes nuts and throws a ton of errors. I tried grounding the blue wire from the large connector on the evo-all, and then it wouldn't even attemt to work. (I disconnected that wire.) I've been through every connection several times with a volt meter checking continuity and I just can't seem to find anything to solve this. Is it in my options? I went back to the Flashlink and changed all the settings to default suggested settings. I'm getting 4 or 5 light flashes. I know the fobs are not in the car. So, it has to be hood.? Never mind, Got it... the wire I used under the hood to jump the pin was frayed a little at the end and must have been shorting on a nearby pin. I know I ran accross someone else's question with the same errors on the dash. I hope this helps. Cheers!

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